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No work had been done on the house since 1969,so the first task, when they look possession in 2013, was to replace the roof.

The powered easier than expected because a previous ovener, deeming the house too large, had removed the top storey and laid a flat roof.

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Must Reads

Note worthy Books ftom time 100 influencers.

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Curtis Stone

A taste of spring

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Thin ice now two snowflakes are alike, the sayimg goes, but photographer Michael Peres shows just how special each can be with the microscopic closeups he posts on Instagram.

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Ferguson Erupts Again After Cop Cleared in Killing
Karl Vick @karl_vick Kristina Sauerwein Ben Goldberger Nov. 24, 2014 Updated: Nov. 25, 2014 1:53 AM ET

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Putin Will Leave G20 Summit(高峰會) Early After West Blasts (爆炸)Moscow Over Ukraine


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How China’s ‘Singles’ Day’ Just Made Alibaba $9 Billion


China's anti-Valentine's Day is the world's biggest day for online shopping China Marks Super Singles Day

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Announcement comes on the eve of Veterans Day


The Department of Veterans Affairs(事件) will undergo(遭受) a large organizational (組織)restructuring following the explosive revelations that hundreds of veterans were subjected to long wait times before receiving health care, Secretary Robert McDonald announced on Monday.

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Ebola Death Toll(損失) Surpasses 5,000 Worldwide


 A girl walks past a slogan painted on a wall reading "Stop Ebola" in Monrovia, Liberia, on Aug. 31, 2014 Dominique Faget—AFP/Getty Images

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before stonehenge 


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